Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

You need to visit this beautiful song by Elton John...
Can't you feel the Love Tonight?
Thank you Sherry...
For some reason i couldn't put the actual video here... but it's easy enough to find, right?

Miss Kitty and i want to wish you the very best....
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

never too old to learn, eh?

Didn't know there was a song about 'me' until my friend Lori from SparkPeople told me about Shirley by Shakin' Stevens. Well, if you want to hear it, click on the arrow in center... just like on YouTube, where we found it! Visit Lori's website, Melodie and Harmonee.

Then i visited another SP friend's website and she had a YouTube song on her page... so i viewed the source and saw what size she made it to fit on her blog... SixtyFiveAlive.

While you're browsing, click on my SP recipe thingy at the top & find some of my personal favorite healthy recipes!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Look what i found!!! i have a friend from SparkPeople to thank for this one! Her name is Lori... from Michigan..... and she does karaoke for fun, being a computer jock by profession! Thank you Lori. This ol' amateur is having fun with this one!