Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wonderful Weekend...

Yes, this IS Wednesday but still wanted to say how much i enjoyed my weekend past. #5 and i are kindred souls in the winter driving department and she & i did a great job of getting us from here to there (across the state.) The drive, which is normally 2 to 2-1/2 hour drive took us more than 3-1/2 hours in nasty wintery snowy weather.

15 minutes into our trip we met up with the beginnings of a snow storm. As we progressed westerly, so did the storm. Amazingly, in the big city, people seem to think they can drive 80 mph regardless of the weather... on the expressway!!! We dodged many of these brain-dead types... and then... as we got into the city, their multiple several-car pileups!!! But we made it... slow and steady, 45 miles an hour most of the time.

We were determined to be there for a baby shower - a very special one. My oldest grandchild will be a father in June. He is in the U.S. Army. His wife will be moving to his base the first of March... so we needed to have a shower for her.

It was a small elite group. It was fun... well worth the determination and trauma of getting there. My first great grandson received loads of good stuff... mostly necessary and some just for fun. His mommy is SO happy... and so is his daddy! God bless little Logan James.

Thank you Number 5, for braving the weather with me. You are amazing!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Answered prayers.

Yesterday my friend had cancer removed from her colon. She has been tired lately. Lab results showed she had low blood count. Just last week she had a colonoscopy and learned there was a small mass in her colon and by end of this week it is gone!

Her husband said she has only 4 small holes in her tummy. Isn't modern medicine wonderful?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Beginnings...

For a while i was blogging in my first one... since then (August 2009) i discovered we can import & export Blogger stuff from one to another, so if you notice some lack of continuity... or repetition...... that is why. This is actually a combination of 3 blogs. One was totally separate. Following is the transition from Grumbleeze to After Frank.

...are necessary sometimes. This blog, Grumbleeze, was all about me, sherle, a married lady. Then the husband died. Life changed more than i ever would have believed.

Before, we were us... we were we..... we were frank'nsherle...... we were a team. We were joined at the hip!

I was the old-fashioned girl... went from my mother's house to make a home with my husband. Now, for the past three plus years i have been me... i have been
discovering me..... i am learning to be me, all by myself, for the first time ever!

It is time for a new blog...
Come, visit me here at my new blog: Yes Sherle, there is life after Frank!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a quote...

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable."-- Joseph Addison

Monday, February 9, 2009

Like my picture?

You can make one too! i did this at Saw it on one of the tv news shows last week.

There are two options... the other is red white & blue... like the Obama posters seen on tv. This one is an adaptation and i personally like it better than the other.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yesterday evening... tough! She blew up at me after i told her why i closed her bedroom door, keeping her kitty out of it! Daughter 1 & i walked in the kitchen door and were overcome by a sickening 'sweetish' odor of decay and cigarettes. Her poor kitty had pooped on the floor in her bedroom because... ta dah!!! ...she closed the litter box up in the closet before leaving for work!

When i told her to clean it up... and mop the floor.... get rid of her cigarette butts and don't store them in the house... she blew up at me! It was, get this, MY fault because my cats PLAY in her litter box and she's tired of cleaning up after them!!!

i asked when she is moving... she said, '...not soon enough' but only told me ...'three weeks...' when she heard me talking on the phone, repeating when Daughter #6 asked me when. D6 and i talked until i calmed down and all went well from there.

She is all packed up. I am not encouraging her with kindness. I'm convinced she has become so pitiful after a lifetime of 'hard living.' I can't fix it. She says about 3 more weeks before the place she will move in to is renovated. (She has 2 sons who work for a landlord, remodeling between tenant changes.) We are BOTH counting the days... although not together. Talk about the Elephant in the Living Room!!!

This morning she went out to smoke and stood blowing the smoke at my kitchen window...!!!???!!