Now on to what I really wanted to talk about today... Did you ever hide something - from yourself? If so, you know how relieved I was to find these items today!Not that I don't ever clean house but... well sometimes I must do a better job than others.
Right after Frank died, I checked his billfold and saw this credit card. Decided I should put it away until I had time to take care of such things. A few days later I couldn't find it! Panic! Phoned the company and cancelled it. Got a new one in my own name. That was four months ago.
Last week I was cleaning house for the Christmas holiday. I found the credit card AND a little bit of money. It was the best Christmas gift! All that time I couldn't find the card - and I looked again periodically. Funny thing... I don't even remember the money!
Today I am at the Governor of Michigan... How could she be so continually unaware of the taxpaying voters in this state!!???! I guess she must not plan on running for a second term.
I'm glad you found the credit card. Like I've always told myself, I should NEVER tuck away something important in a "safe place." =)
About the veto; I understand Mike Goschka is upset with the governor, as well as (I'm sure) a lot of residents. I don't think this is the end of it. I hope she gets enough pressure to make her reconsider. Love you, Mom!
Mom, I know exactly how it feels to put something away for "safe keeping" and not be able to find it later. While I was living in Jax FL with a third roomie (not for long,) I stashed hundereds of dollars; it took months for me to find it. It's rough being me sometimes.
I put things in safe places all the time. Safe from ME, that's for sure.
Yes, always vote. It's your only defense.
I found five bucks the other day when I was putting my books away. One of my forgotten "stashes!" See ya soon! Love ya!
Great post. I love your posts and especially reading about you finding your lost "stash." I thought losing things you put way for "safe keeping" only happened to old folks like me.
Congrats on finding your "lost" stuff. I have had that happen to me too! I put up a Christmas present for my husband one year and never did find it (until we moved out of that house!)
Keep fighting for what you believe in. I admire you for what you are doing.
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