Monday, December 19, 2005

Last Friday...

More snow
It started earlier than usual and it's been colder than usual. Today the weather guy said the normal temperature for December is 35 degrees F. It's been in the 'teens and lower for most of November and so far in December as well... and the wind? It seems to blow all the time! I took this photo while it was snowing last Friday. Gotta admit it's pretty but enough already.

Bryn, I watched The Christmas Blessing last night. It's a beautiful story. Gotta admit it was bringing tears to my eyes. I'm glad you recommended it. Thank you!

Today was really a busy one! Got some more paperwork out of the way and then I did a bit of shopping for Christmas. I still have bags of Christmas decorations all over the place. Maybe I'll get them spread around the house where I want them by end of day tomorrow... a whole day just for decorating! I think that will be fun.

Now for some Monday Madness!
1. Name 1 toy you owned when you were younger, that meant a lot to you. My first bike... before they made them with training wheels and they all came in one size. It was blue and from the Western Auto Store. Some of my friends were riding Schwinns but I didn't care. It was a great bicycle!

2. Name 2 games you enjoyed playing as a child. Monopoly and Scrabble

3. Name 3 foods you didn't like as a child, but do now. I can only think of one - liver with onions.

4. Name 4 foods you didn't like as a child, and still don't like. I guess I liked just about everything and still do, but I never liked fat meat of any kind and still don't. Oh! Milk!!! I never liked white milk and still don't, but I like chocolate milk. It isn't a matter of 'like' or 'not like' for either fat or white milk, however; both of them make me gag.

These were fun... but okay Otto. You've guilted me into it. I'll try to come up with some suggestions for you next week.


Nat said...

I knew I could count on you! =)

I was here last night and thought I'd come back and leave a comment on your previous post, but you've been blogging so I may as well say everything here.

That IS a beautiful picture, but I agree with you about this weather; enough already!! Love you, Mom!

cas said...

Your picture is beautiful. But you are right - enough already. I've seen quite a few very pretty snow shots, and I'm guessing I'm going to see a lot more before the winter is ended.

I've got the gifts wrapped, but our tree is still in the garage. I guess we'd better get movin'
Have a nice day.

bryn said...

Check out the CHRISTMAS BLESSING site.

I luv ANGUS...he also plays the young lad in the sitcom.... TWO AND A HALF MEN

Jan said...

Snow IS pretty! I'm glad I'm not in it..... love you