Now here's my Monday Madness. Natalie (OttO), you outdid yourself this time. The questions concern something I'm a bit opinionated about, so here are my answers:
1. Which web browser do you prefer? I use MSIE7, MSIE6 and Firefox. I prefer MS internet explorer 6 best because i'm most comfortable with it. Microsoft made it too safe in MSIE7 - so safe that it's too time-consuming to use. Using Firefox sometimes to get used to it... because Microsoft, unfortunately just becomes bulkier and bulkier and i'm losing tolerance for all of the new products!
2. Are you a PC user or MAC user? PC but might have to go over to the more expensive MAC in future. Don't like all that overhead built into Microsoft products. If I decide to stay with PC - am trying to learn more about Linux - especially the newest version - Ubuntu (
3. Will your next computer purchase happen within the next year (do you think)? I hope not!!! I like the ones I have - except maybe... just maybe..... a bigger notebook some day.
4. Will you purchase your next computer at a local store or via the internet? Whereever i can find the best deal.
5. Have you had any experience with Windows Vista? Not personally but as recently past president of a computer club i had a fullblown legal Vista OS when it first came out. Couldn't even give it away to any of our members. Have since given it to a nephew who might try it when he builds himself a new computer.
6. What are your feelings about this new operating system (if any)? All based on reviews by friends in a computer club...
- It's too bulky and not compatible for use on existing older computers already set up with XP (or older) OS.
- There's a bit of a learning curve involved for those of us that are comfortable with all previous Microsoft operating systems so one friend who evaluated Vista & uses it in his workplace suggests unless you are going to have to use it in the office, keep your old Windows versions. You can still purchase new computers from sources - one is Dell - with XP OS and soon to come, with Linux OS.
- Another friend bought a laptop with Vista just to learn and evaluate it. He says Vista does not work well with older versions of MS programs.
- Yet another friend, who works with multiple computers in a school, likes Vista just fine... but he still has the old OS on his system at home.
- Linux is not as fancy... it's open source (free)... and updated every six months.
- Linux works with your old Windows programs (I think) - but if you're starting fresh you can also get just about any program you want online - open source. So far all I hear is good & will be trying it on one of my computers soon!
What was the question again?
Thanks for the sharing on #6. I guess there are still a lot of "bugs" with Vista that Microsoft has to tweak or improve along the way which is what usually happens anyway. :)
Thanks Lynn! Ooooops! Forgot to mention... you can use an emulator to make Linux compatible with MS programs and there is an open source alternative to MS Office. ;-)
I agree with Lynn about #6. My father-in-law just bought it and is planning to install it soon.
Mine are posted here
Now I remember who told me about Firefox - I've got such a smart Mommy :)
Great answers, and informative too! Thanks for playing, Mom. Have a wonderful week and will see you soon, I hope! =)
Good afternoon Sherle, Always enjoy checking you out and all the Happy Birthdays with your six daughters! I did not know you had a 91 year old Mother. Tell her she need to stat BLOGGING. She only 6 years older than I?
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