Monday, July 16, 2007

I thought they were dogs at first...

...then of course i knew! They are the foxes my neighbors have been watching from afar! They invited me over to watch them one evening... and they appeared 'way over near the river and we could barely see them!!! But this!!! This was great! They were in my backyard - a total of three..... and i was able to get 4 shots all together. The camera was set on macro & i had to use my telephoto so they're a bit grainy... but there they are! Aren't they beautiful?


Anonymous said...

What a great photo opportunity. Thanks for sharing.

I've seen foxes, but never more than one at a time, and never when a camera was handy.


Shirl said...

awesome!!!! you caught them!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Cool! My first reaction was Oh my Gd! How cute! Then.......I thought, is there any danger in having foxes in your backyard? Don't let the cats out!