This one in front of the house - I just had to photograph - even though I'm still hopping around with the walker, trying to keep weight off my broken right foot.
Gotta thank Patti for helping me up and down the steps and going to see the doc with me that day!
Over to our right, flowers were brought for my indoor enjoyment because I can't just go outside anytime I want very easily. They've been gracing my dining table since Easter Sunday... when most of the girls brought dinner with them. Usually I like to provide Easter dinner for anybody who can make it to my house on that day.
Did I mention - Monday I had another appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. The previous week he had identified a third break in my right foot - the other ankle! There was a possibility I would need a rod in between ankles to maintain the spacing. Good news yesterday! The foot is healing nicely with no apparent displacement... no surgery necessary! Three more weeks - he will x-ray again... maybe I will be back to normal (???!!)
Meanwhile I have a new 'friend' at my house... OttO's hubby remembered he has an Amigo - it was his mother's and she died early last year so the Amigo was stored at their house. Look at that face! Looks like a friendly little fellow, doesn't it? Well, it is! Even though my doc said he couldn't prescribe one, it certainly is making my final three weeks of one-leggedness more tolerable! It's much easier to take care of myself with my little 'friend' to help me get around the house! I still do some things hopping around with the walker but the Amigo makes dinner preparation and serving much easier. Imagine pouring a cup of coffee and then trying to get it across the room to a table - hopping on one leg! Not do-able. Before Amigo I felt like I was pounding too hard on the new left knee - and my hands were taking a beating hold all my weight on the walker. No sense in beating up the rest of my body in order to heal the foot, right?
Now for a bit of monday madness... a little late but as great as ever.
1. What was the highlight of your weekend?
Four of my daughters brought Easter dinner to my house where we traditionally have Easter dinner. I'm supposed to keep weight off my right foot (broken), so I couldn't prepare it myself.
2. What was the best meal you ate this past weekend?
Easter dinner
3. Did you spend time with anyone special?
Most of my family was present and I enjoyed every minute of it.
4. Did the weekend seem to drag, or go by too quickly?
It was full and fast!
What a beautiful forsythia bush! Glad to hear that your Easter went well. Family is wonderful.
I guess you had a lot of dinner choices? The flowers are beautiful and the amigo looks like a good friend.
The menu included: baked ham, potato salad, baked beans, ambrosia, a veggie & olive tray, rolls and two flavors of pie - peach & pumpkin! All of it was yummy and I didn't have to cook any of it! ;-)
It was very good; the weekend went by much too fast, but the holiday weekends usually do.
Love you! =)
Oh, thank you so much for playing MM this week even though it was late! Thanks for encouraging me.
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