Monday, May 8, 2006

Broken Foot Update...

...It takes two feet to drive a 'stick-shift' vehicle. I can drive my Ranger again! Doctor Mayne says my ankles and foot are healing well. I don't need to wear the boot around the house anymore but should still wear it when I'm out and about - walking in the great outdoors. Why? the foot will continue healing for another month yet... and I need to be very careful until then.

Today I drove into town to attend a little 'ice cream social' and 45th birthday celebration for my favorite Michigan legislator - Representative John Moolenaar. He has been my hero ever since he read my letter about an unfair situation that disrupted our family for a whole year during 2003. The situation concluded quickly once he knew about it.

This was the first time I've driven in two months and couldn't have been for a better cause.


Jan said...

That is great! I love you Mom; I'm sure you had to adjust the seat and mirrors after I drove it though. love you!

cassie-b said...

Enjoy! Not being to drive for such a long time has to have been awful.


Logtar said...

Congrats! Cielo just had foot surgery and will not drive for prolly another week :) only a couple of weeks but it drives here nuts.

Windy said...

Hi MoM,
I'm glad you are up and about again! I'll bet you are too. I'll talk to you soon!
Love you!

kira the knitter said...

Congrats! You are an inspiration to me, as I broke my right foot Memorial Day. The doc says I cannot put any weight on it for 4-8 weeks -- that seems like FOREVER.

BTW, I'm also a Pisces. Does that mean Pisces have a tendency to break their feet (just kidding).
