1. How do you celebrate Valentine's Day? When my family were children, I usually baked a heart-shaped cake for them. Usually made sure to have some conversation heart candies around the house too. Okay, okay... I also sometimes baked the heart-shaped cake for the Bug's birthday on February 10 and/or the husband's birthday on January 30 too!
2. Name a special gift you received during Valentine's Day. Last year - my first Valentine's Day alone - Natalie (OttO) gave me a heart shaped box of chocolates with a pair of little froggy lovers on top. Yes, I love little froggies! It was really extra special because I think most of my family, including me, were still unsure of how to deal with some special occasions. Well gosh, wouldn't you know? A photo of that valentine was still on my little 'puter!
3. Define Love using each letter: L.O.V.E.
L ook past any shortcomings.
O pen your mind to his/her thoughts and ideas.
V alentine's Day - celebrate it more than once a year.
E mphasize the positive and be E nthusiastic.
Thanks Rach!!! Great questions and challenging too. Thank you!
Hi Mom - we need to firm up our weekend plans. I'm starting to spend more time on the internet visiting. Kind of addictive (?spelliing) Luv ya'
duh - since it says anonymous you have no idea who i am - i'm your 4th daughter.
Hi Sherle. Thanks for visiting my Monday Madness.
I love your Valentine answers. I think a homemade cake is a thoughtful way of celebrating Valentine's Day.
That heart shaped box of chocolates and cute frog couple is such a thoughtful gift. Thanks for sharing it.
I like your definition of love. I think it's imporant to learn to look past shortcomings in order to let the relationship grow. Yes, emphasizing the positive things make a relatioship more meaningful.
Advance Happy Valentine's Day!
I think that I like your definition of love...=)
great answers Mom! I especially love your "love" answer. I must be getting old, when I read the comment of a sister, I had to go down the list...'okay, I'm number six, Otto is five and so on
love you - i am a dork
o.y. I'm going to blog!
well..........! I WAS going to blog. don't feel like jumping through alll those hoops right no. i don't have much patience for this computer crap. i guess i'm being forced to change the blog. whatever, eh? moving on
Thanks everybody, for your comments... and Bug (Dork), do you want me to set you up? You need a change anyway - and I can do it and save whatever you want on the side panel. The new blogger is actually easier - and faster so I know you will like it. ;-)
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