Monday, April 24, 2006

Stuff, Nonsense... and a bit of Fun

Not the best groomed yard in the neighborhood but it sure is pretty! Hyacinths and violets intermingle with the grass... and behind this is a bit more orderly but not much. The peonies I transplanted are growing! The white roses survived all the torture I've ever let them endure. The dianthus I planted last year came back... and there's a bit of room for a few slightly unruly annuals! You should click the photo and view it larger in order to see the little violets growing all over the place.

My lawn is mowed - Thanks Jack!!!

Remodeling in the 'old' part is begun... the bedroom and closet are framed in - Thanks Dave!!!

My garden perennials are coming back - at least most of them... unfortunately so are the weeds. Boy! I sure need to get out of this boot and out in the garden!

There's a new special event in my life... I call it Fosamax Friday! Losing a bit of bone density... not abnormal at my age, especially since I've never been able to drink milk... ughh! Fosamax is once a week - directions say 'pick a day' - so Friday it is. Not sure I could handle once a month... I'm always forgetting to change my contact lenses (supposed to be a monthly event).

Take calcium regularly, ladies!!! Be sure it's 600 mg + D! The vitamin D helps metabolize the calcium.

Doc still has me restricted... to keep most of my weight off the right foot. Did I mention there are three broken bones... not two? Actually BOTH ankles on the right foot plus that little dealy at the end of my little toe. It's healing well though... will find out in 1-1/2 weeks if I can 'boot' the boot and wear shoes again. I have two pairs of never-worn NEW shoes... got 'em before the break.

My boat WILL be in the water this year... even if I can sell the cottage. Just rented a dockominium. It's nearby so I can use it often. ;-)

...and a bit of Monday Madness! OttO says...
This week's theme is 5 THINGS... Thanks for playing, and have a blessed week! =)
Name 5 Things that:

1. Make you smile: babies, special people,good memories, animal antics, sunshine

2. You can see on your desk right now: an empty Tupperware glass, an orange cat, the TV zapper, a pen, my brains in a jumpdrive

3. Kept you busy this weekend: cleaned out more cupboards & packed a bunch of Tupperware for the rummage sale, Sunday night supper with friends, watered my plants, watched TV, uploaded my Favorite 5 photos for April here at Flickr.

4. You'll be doing this coming week: Having a rummage sale - part of a township-wide event. Since I still can't drive myself anywhere and I still must keep weight off my right foot, I'll still be depending on others to get some things done. I hope I find out I have rented a dock for my boat too! (I just found out! It is mine!!! ;-)

5. You've said to make someone else smile: Please... Thank you.... I love you... I'll be there... Sold!


Jan said...

fun answers MOM! You're able to get stuff from the cupboards without putting weight on your foot??? Follow doc's orders! I love you MOM! See you soon.

Jan said...

where is this dockominium?

sherle said...

Jan - Yup on the cupboards... had all that Tupperware in lower cupboards & sat on the Amigo while sorting (& cleaning the cupboard as a bonus!)

The dockominium is in Bay City - on the river. Although it would be easy enough to get out on the Bay I will be content on the river... it's a no-wake zone except when they have the 'River Roar' event... & then it must be crazy! Not sure cuz I've never attended this... always at the cottage during summer weekends. ;-)

Hasta man`ana (`???)

Peruby said...

I think the violets in your yard are lovely! They set off the purple in the hyacinths just right. I love green purple and white together.

I have been slacking on the calcium. Thanks for the reminder.

My daughter won't have a problem. I should have bought a cow!

Amilcar Herrera said...

Are you going to the Freeland Walleye Festival this year? My wife is starting up a BRAND NAME clothing store in the area. Check it out and let us know what you think...

Nat said...

You know how to stay busy even without use of both your feet; you're amazing! =)

I will see you in a couple of days, ready and energetic to get some rummage together for the sale! Looking forward to it...

(I still have to post my fave 5. I will, I promise!)

Love you! =)