Monday, July 3, 2006

It's Independence Day Weekend in the U.S...

My weekend began on Friday with a trip across state to Mason County where I tended to some personal business and daughter Shar & I got in some quality time walking the pier at the City Park in Ludington. It was a beautiful relaxing and productive day... well worth the five hour round trip!

This is the top of the lighthouse at the end of the pier. Visit sherle's photos for five other views of this lighthouse... taken as we strolled the pier.

Yesterday I met with the two daughters who don't want their names mentioned on blogs and took them, their husbands and one grandchild on a little trip along the Saginaw River in my pontoon boat. It was a busy day on the river - loads of families out for the day... many probably getting set to find their spots to anchor and watch fireworks from their boats. (Both of these two daughters had previously suggested we take my boat out to watch fireworks tonight - the big night! I kept insisting I don't like boating in the dark and especially with so much traffic.) Needless to say, but I will, they no longer think it's a good idea.... and NO - I didn't do anything stupid or wrong! There was just a lot of boat traffic yesterday, along with the constant and contual negative nerative produced by number one of the two. Yes, I DID tune her out and maintain a moderate blood pressure.

Here's a U.S. Navy boat that had a bunch of tourists aboard for a ride. I think they actually had to pay for a boat ride.

Three of my passengers weren't as happy about a trip on the water. The two daughters, both of whom always used to say they have 'happy memories' of times on our houseboat when they were young, let me know they are not 'boat people' - one of them constantly telling me where the boat traffic was and what I should do about it. The other told me she hoped I will understand if she doesn't want to go with me again and her child took on her mood about the excursion. I asked the one husband if he wanted to drive for a while... and he did... but it didn't stop his wife from giving orders.... all the while declaring she knows nothing about boats and doesn't want to! I know they wouldn't have been that anti-boater if I were ashes and their father was running the boat! now, when you read my Monday Madness answers, I hope you'll know where I'm coming from! God bless America and Happy July 4!

Otto (one of my supportive daughters) says, 'I lost track of my days; with this weekend being a holiday weekend here in the US, it slipped my mind until now to post questions. Please forgive me! Ok, on to this week's questions...

Thanks to Tricia for the first three questions below!'

1. Have you ever traveled outside of your own country? Yes - I've visited Canada several times.

2. If you could be any animal, which animal would you be, and why? Homo sapiens because of the free will thing, opposable thumbs, and all that stuff. ;-)

3. Do you read manga? Nope, I don't even read American comic books. (...but thanks for the intro to manga - I never heard of it before!)

4. Are you doing anything special to celebrate Independence Day? (For those of you who don't live in the U.S., did you do anything special this past weekend?) Yes, yesterday I took a some family members out for a boat ride. I learned that neither of these two daughters likes boats (a new dislike??? they always enjoyed going when they had a father!)... so today I celebrated my independence by mowing the lawn so I can pamper myself and celebrate my independence the rest of this holiday weekend!

5. How many memes do you participate in regularly? three... Monday Madness, foto pherrets, favorite 5 fotos.

6. How much is a gallon of gasoline where you live? Have you cut down on your driving since the prices have gone up? When I left for Ludington Friday, the average price for regular unleaded was $3.009/gal. but I got mine in Ludington for $2.979/gal. Yesterday, coming home from Bay City I noticed gas prices in my town were down to $2.929/gal. The price won't stop me - I don't do that much traveling anyway... and what with enjoying my independence and all.....!


Shirl said...

Great Lighthouse pics, Sherle!

Kids. Whatcha gonna do. Sometimes I think it is easier just having nieces and nephews.

Jan said...

Hi MOM! I love you bunches and I'm glad you managed to zone out the negativity - that sometimes takes a lot of energy, so remember to relax, relax!

Nat said...

Hi Mom! I believe we may have a plan to get that furniture moved soon... I'll call you with specifics.

Just got home from the fireworks; we don't go where there's tons of people. I got some halfway decent pics; some of which you'll see on next month's fave five!

Oh oh!! I have to do July calendars!!! =)

Love you!

sharba said...

WOW! I read the article on sibs. Interesting. I also found your blog very interesting! Talk to you soon! Love ya!

Windy said...

Hi Mom!
Wow! I thought I visited recently, but see I've missed a lot! I will check out the sibling article next, it sounds interesting. Dave and I are looking forward to hopefully a Sunday on the water with you. See you soon!
Love, windy