Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fifty Years Ago Today...

Two kids were married...
..okay, this isn't the best wedding photo but it's the one I put over on a Fortune City website I started at Fortune City before they decided to charge people. FYI, you can go here and see more old pictures.

Our 47th wedding anniversary, Frank took this photo of us on the beach... or was this one of those times when we actually let a stranger take a photo of us? Hmmm! Can't remember for sure. Can you sort of see the 'Sunrise... Sunset' image I'm trying to set up here? We had forty nine years, eleven months and five days of 'wedded bliss.'

Now, those who are, or have been married, know that no marriage is 100% 'blissful' but as marriages go, ours was a good one. Today I want to thank God for those wonderful years He gave us. Today would have been our 50th wedding anniversary.


Nat said...

Good memories... I always love looking through old pictures. I never knew you had that other site (did I?)

...and that was a GOOD look for the times. =)

Love you!

Jan said...

You two look pretty cool on the beach ; I love that wedding photo too! I love you Mom!

Shirl said...


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