Monday, September 4, 2006

What a Wonderful Weekend!

Got my bedroom & activity room - & hallway - painted! Thank you SHARBA!!!! The week before Sharba & OttO primed it all! Thanks girls!

Yesterday we celebrated my mom's 91st birthday. Enjoyed a few hours visiting with some of my siblings at my brother's house. His son & daughter-in-law were visiting and it was a delight seeing & visiting with them also. My mom looks younger than she did last year. Whatta woman!

...and now here, from OttO - a bit of Monday Madness:
1. Which holidays (if any) do you consider more as a day off from work, than anything else? When my kids were with us, Easter & Christmas, and the whole weekends of Labor Day, Memorial Day & Independence Day. Whoops! misread the question!!! Those were the biggest ones to celebrate!Just a day off from work? I guess that would be the day after Thanksgiving... hmmm. I guess I actually never let my job mean that much to me - no matter what it was & I pretty much like holidays.

2. Which 3 holidays are most celebrated in your family? When my kids were with us, Easter & Christmas, and Independence Day weekend. Now - I usually have a get-together after Christmas for the whole family... and on Easter Day & Thanksgiving Day for whoever can make it over for the celebration.

3. Do you have an organized filing system at home? yes

4. Do you clip coupons for groceries? If so, do you remember to use them? If not, why? yes & yes... but using less because they don't offer as many useable coupons any more & my shopping patterns have changed too.

5. How many magazines do you subscribe to? None... I'm letting Frank's subscriptions run out. If I want a magazine I'll buy one. One magazine continues to come however - AAII where he had a lifetime membership! When I phoned to inform them they just changed his membership over to my name and I will continue receiving their publications. Interesting, eh?

6. Do you play any computer games on a regular basis? If so, which is your favorite, and why? Yeah - Spider Solitaire gets me in a 'zone' and I just relax with it.

7. Have you watched any movies worth recommending, lately? Yes, on tv... Renaissance Man, starring Danny DeVito was on the Hallmark Channel. I saw it years ago & enjoyed it thoroughly the second time too!


sharba said...

Howdy! Good answers! I'm glad you had a good time at your picnic. We dirtied half the dishes in the house cooking our dinner. We had G home so we went the extra mile. Love ya!

cassie-b said...

Wow - your weekend sounds both like fun and being productive!

Have a great week!
Your painting project seems to be moving along quite well.

Nat said...

Just checking out your MM answers, and of course it's always a delight to read what you have to say. Good seeing you a couple of times this past weekend. We'll be in touch regarding the next job soon!

Love you! =)